FutureAging Lab is a co-creation lab for design and research focused on positive and active ageing. Initiated in 2016, the global interdisciplinary design lab seeks to engage students and community in exploring solutions and scenarios while concurrently developing the capacity to solve complex problems in global environments. The lab aims to reimagine new possible futures for the rapidly ageing population within the Asia-Pacific region as well as develop connections between students, academics, government and industry between Australia and China.
Focused on practice-based design research projects using ethnographic field research and participatory methods, the lab’s methodology is based in empathy-based research, interdisciplinary design, product and service design, visual mapping methods, inclusive design, system thinking working across disciplines and cultures with local communities.
The student program involves a collaboration between the University of Technology, Sydney (Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, School of Design) and Tsinghua University, Beijing (Academy of Art and Design, Industrial Design Department and Healthcare Design Innovation Lab) with participating students also from the Politecnico de Milano. The masters and undergradutate program which draws students from multiple design disicplines is led by Vivien Sung, University of Technology and Dr Chao Zhao, Tsinghua University.
FutureAging Lab explores themes that cover healthcare, transportation, living environments, food and eating, retirement and physical and mental health issues associated with ageing.